“Art: A Brief History,” the textbook we have reached out to for our global arts course, is the interpreter of art from prehistoric to contemporary art. Not only does it bring out the best in art pieces by having stunning and realistic images that embody the context and significance clearly while being easy to understand to college students with little to no background in art studies. 

    “Art: A Brief History” is an introductory textbook for students that want to learn the history of art. While the functional use and creativity come from the artist, “Art: A Brief History” interprets the contextual background, significance, and makes commentary.  (Stokstad, XV) It's a book that’s well-composed, interesting, and informative. As a whole, the textbook can be said that it’s one of the best textbooks with enough information on the history of the pieces and the artists together.  

    This book sets out to educate the public about visual arts and achieves appreciation of how art has influenced our surroundings,  from those reading the textbook. According to the textbook, there are several art pieces that are heavily known throughout the world that have been influenced by different cultures and creates a vibrant cultural landscape. “Art: A Brief History” will help the students recognize and appreciate the central role that art and architecture have played in human history. This textbook has achieved its goals by opening the eyes of so many students and demonstrating that  Western and Non-Western art has been the main influences from prehistoric times to contemporary times. (Stokstad, IX)

(Figure 1) Tunic 
From Peru, Inca, c.1500 CE. Camelid fiber and cotton, 35 7/8'' X 30'' (91X76.5 cm).
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C.


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